
Remote working: is it the future of business?

Remote working is a divisive topic. For some it’s a practice to be embraced with open arms, while others would much prefer to go back to their pre-COVID status quo, with everyone in the office.

But there can be no going back. We can’t simply erase the impact that the pandemic has had on everyone’s lives (at work and at home), and on our businesses. Besides, reverting to a previous state is rarely the way to succeed. We need to overcome our cognitive biases (the pull we feel to return to our comfort zones) and reimagine what is meant by a ‘workspace’, to support business objectives in the reality of the post-COVID world. Evolution – to maximise success in whatever business climate we find ourselves in – is the only way to stay one step ahead of your competition.

With this in mind, we investigated exactly how remote working (to any degree) has great potential to effect positive change, and enable organisations to be leaner, fitter and more agile. In this white paper we have brought together current thinking and research, to offer you a summary of the key considerations around remote working, including:

  • Why we need an iterative process to review and adjust remote working policies and practices
  • How a remote option can improve talent acquisition and retention
  • The thorny topic of salaries – how should remote, hybrid and office remuneration compare?
  • IT security and its growing importance
  • Avoiding bias within HR practices and policies
  • How integrated workspaces promote productivity, collaboration and ultimately profitability

Click here to download our paper ‘Remote working: the future of business’ and find out why forward-thinking organisations are reimagining where and how work gets done, improving agility and resilience in a post-COVID world.

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